It's the first question from most clients' mouths. And I get it. Pricing is important.
Exact rates differ from project to project, but here are some ball park figures to serve as a guide.
Typically, I prefer to work with set fees rather than daily rates.
Web copy
Website copy: £3,500-£7,000
Website content plan: £1,250
Brand Voice
Brand Voice Documentation: £1,500-£3,000
Naming (5-10 deliverable): £1,500
Slogan/Tagline (20-30 deliverable): £2,000
Print ad (quarter, half page): £1,000-£2,000
Print ad (full page): £1,500-£2,000
Lead gen email (short): £500-£750
Lead gen email (long): £750-£1,500
Thought Leadership
Blog (400-1500 words): £500-£1,750
White paper (5-10 pp.): £6,000-£8,000
Ad-Hoc Consultancy